Knee pain is one of the most common problems that arise with age. Sadly, today, not only the elderly but younger people are also facing the problem because of lack of good diet, weight, etc. but other than that, people develop knee conditions because of different exercises or stressful activities.
Knee pain can be controlled and reduced from a certain level, but f it escalates you must visit a doctor and get knee pain treatment. Following are some of the ways you can avoid knee problems:
Weight maintenance
Try to maintain your weight according to your body. You can refer to the BMI chart or consult a doctor about the maximum weight you can have. If you are not obese, try to exercise and take care of your weight before it gets out of hand. For overweight people, it is best to consult a nutritionist and make a diet plan to control your problem as it will serve as a root for a dozen other problems as you age.
Appropriate exercises
Find the exercise that best suits your flexibility status and body. Also, never forget to warm up before doing any strenuous activity. It makes your body be prepared for exercise and starts regulating the blood flow. If you go straight into a hectic exercise, without warming up, there is a high chance that you may strain your knee which might even make it necessary for you to go for a knee pain treatment.
If you are facing severe pain, you should go to a physiotherapist to get proper exercise. Also, you should try a bit to get rid of the knee pain, but if the pain lingers on, you should not prolong it and consult a therapist for knee pain treatment.
Pick best shoes
Wear comfortable shoes with soft insoles so that your legs and knees stay relaxed. If you have an osteoporosis issue or if you are already facing knee issues, consult your doctor and then decide on what insoles and what shoe type you should use as a knee pain treatment.
Warm/cold pack
Try relieving the pain by applying a warm or cold pack to your knee. This is most effective when your knee faces an injury. Although, for temporary knee pain treatment, a hot or cold bag can be used. Keep it against your knee and hold it for some time. Take a break and repeat the procedure. Try changing temperatures as per your requirement. Â
Get a stick or crutches if the pain is hindering you from walking normally. People often say that they feel ashamed of having to carry support around. But it is better to get a facility rather than worsen the condition of your knee.
You should never take your knee pain lightly and consult a doctor immediately to find the proper solution to it. But there are many options you can consider to get rid of the pain or reduce it by yourself.